About the journal


Issues of Les analyses de Population & Avenir focus on the following themes: geography, demography, development, town and countryside planning, local development, urban planning, history, geopolitics, political science, settlement, migration, social security, housing, economic forecasting, and scientific methodology.

The geographical scope of Les analyses de Population & Avenir concerns a variety of territories on all scales: global, continental (Africa, America, Asia, and Europe), sub-continental, cross-border, national, regional, administrative, and local.

With several issues a year, but without a predefined publication schedule, the peer-reviewed journal Les analyses de Population & Avenir offers its readers clearly presented studies, analyses, thoughts, and arguments, illustrated with maps, graphs, and diagrams. Authors’ original submissions are always revised in collaboration with the members of the editorial board in order to ensure the work’s clarity.

The published issues of Les analyses de Population & Avenir can be acquired in digital or paper format from the following website.

The paper copies of the issues of Les analyses de Population & Avenir are in A4 format so that the reader can examine the different elements of the infographics and their analyses simultaneously.


Les analyses de Population & Avenir
35 Avenue Mac Mahon
75017 Paris FranceEmail address: revuepopulationetavenir@gmail.com
Tel: #33 (0) 1 47 70 53 81
Fax: #33 (0) 1 73 02 00 64