Territorial dynamics: Radial or reticular?
According to the dominant spatial theories, the dynamics of territories can be summed up in a centre-periphery model, therefore according to a radial logic. The importance of these theories influences many writings and public statements, statistical methods of analysis of territories as well as public policies. The center-periphery model thus benefits from a kind of exclusivity that can be better understood by proposing a metaphor, the metaphor of the wheel. Certainly, this model is necessary to describe certain spatial realities. But is it sufficient to summarize them all? Doesn’t it run the risk of ignoring diversity in the dynamics of territories? In public decision-making, should the integration of territories rather than their emulation be favoured? To lead to ignoring the importance of reticularity, i. e. the networked mode of operation of territories?
- geography
- center-periphery model
- reticularity
- radial
- economy
- spatial economy
- periphery
- territory
- mobility
- inter-territoriality
- telework
- region
- regional planning
- local development
- territorial governance
- France
- Dubai
- Rennes
- Poitiers
- Futuroscope
- Espelette
- Bruz
- Guérande