Israel, Palestinian Territories: what geopolitical scenarios are possible? Between war and utopia

By Gérard-François Dumont

With eleven Israeli-Arab wars since the Second World War – not to mention the many conflicts of the past, including those that explain the present situation – the Middle East is a land of great conflict, with periods of peace appearing only as parentheses between episodes of murderous violence. It’s as if war were an inherent and unstoppable inevitability of the region. But are there alternative geopolitical scenarios to this inevitability? In the context of the geopolitical parameters of this region, which will first be analyzed, what might become of the scenario of a partition into two states promoted by the UN? Is there an alternative scenario?

  • Middle East
  • Israel
  • Palestinian territories
  • geopolitics
  • war
  • peace
  • population geography
  • geopolitics of populations
  • political demography
  • geopolitical prospective
  • Hamas
  • religion
  • Jewish
  • Islam
  • Christians
  • independence
  • Mandatory Palestine
  • Gaza
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