Roland Pressat, an eminent demographer in Alfred Sauvy’s team

By Jean-Paul Sardon, Chantal Blayo, Sylvie Vanston

Roland Pressat (1923-2020) is an eminent representative of the researchers shaped by the “Sauvy spirit”: a rigorous approach, quality drafting and a taste for popularisation. His contribution to the dissemination of demographic analysis was considerable and many demographers, across the entire world, owe their training to him, both through his teaching, in Paris and Montreal, and through his publications. His pedagogical innovation was the invention of “tasks” as an apprenticeship for research. A man with passionate interests, he was also a collector of etchings, wines and cigars.

  • Pressat
  • Sauvy
  • Henry
  • Ined
  • IDUP
  • University of Montreal
  • teaching
  • demographic analysis
  • practice of demography
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